
About 12 Results order by Oldest Course

Developing GCF funding proposals for the Simplified Approval Process (SAP)

This course provides a detailed overview of the information needed when developing a SAP funding proposal with explanations of a number of key topics provided by GCF experts.

IEU Behaviour and Design Lab Toolbox: Integrating behavioural science to address climate change through GCF projects – Part 1

The BaD Lab Toolbox has been designed to synthesize evidence and develop guidance on the application of behavioural science in GCF projects.

IEU Behaviour and Design Lab Toolbox: Integrating behavioural science to address climate change through GCF projects – Part 2

The BaD Lab Toolbox has been designed to synthesize evidence and develop guidance on the application of behavioural science in GCF projects.

Basic Online Training on Grievance Redress Mechanisms

This online training will explore in-depth the design, operations, and roles of Grievance Redress Mechanisms including interactive exercises, exemplary cases and additional useful material for accountability practitioners.

Training Seminar for National Designated Authorities (NDAs)

The GCF Board has set guidance on some of the functions and actions of NDAs or Focal Points and their strategic roles in enhancing country ownership. This course will equip participants with information about the strategic roles of NDAs, and how they can be fulfilled.

Theory of Change in GCF Funding and Readiness Grant Proposals

This theory of change (ToC) development training aims to foster consistent and greater understanding of GCF-specific requirements for the development of the ToC in funding proposals and readiness grant proposals submitted to GCF. Ultimately, the training will enable partners to produce high-quality ToCs that are central to project and grants design. The training also provides guidance on participatory consultations and workshops when developing the ToC.

Mainstreaming Gender in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)

Gender mainstreaming is central to GCF’s objectives and guiding principles, including through engaging women and men of all ages as stakeholders in the design, development, and implementation of strategies and activities to be financed. This training course is to provide participants with a better understanding of the importance of gender-responsive approaches to National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and to equip them with the tools and knowledge needed to integrate gender considerations into their proposal preparation process. Photo: Lopez Rello/UNDP

Training on the GCF’s Portfolio Performance Management System (PPMS)

To improve the monitoring and management functions of the Green Climate Fund (GCF)’s portfolio implementation and climate results, its Division of Portfolio Management (DPM) and ICT have developed the Portfolio Performance Management System (PPMS). To support the internal and external PPMS users in using the PPMS – including Accredited Entities for Funded Activities and National Designated Authorities and Delivery Partners for the Readiness programme – DPM provides tutorial videos and user guides on GCF’s iLearn platform. The tutorial videos and user guides will provide step-by-step guidance on navigating and using the various PPMS modules, e.g., report and disbursement request modules.

The Readiness Results Management Framework Training

This training is about Readiness Results Management Framework (RRMF). Following an explanatory Module 0 there are 2 content-based Modules divided into separate sessions. Accompanying these modules is a downloadable package of materials, which are listed at the end of Module 0. The estimated time needed to complete this training is 120 minutes.

GCF Training on the IRMF Logical Framework

The objective of this training course on logical framework development is to offer a comprehensive understanding of designing a logical framework for GCF projects and/or programs under the Integrated Results Management Framework (IRMF). It encompasses both universal and GCF-specific requirements for developing a logical framework in funding proposals submitted to GCF. The training is designed in a participatory and self-paced format, supplemented with quizzes and real case examples. Partners will gain a better understanding of the GCF logical framework and become adept at constructing high-quality logical frameworks.

Accredited Entity-Led Evaluation

This training is about GCF accredited entity led evaluations. Following an explanatory Module 0 there are 4 content-based Modules divided into separate sessions.

E-Learning Course on GCF Integrity Policies for Accredited Entities

This e-learning course is composed of three modules that will provide an introduction to three policies within the GCF Integrity Policy Framework and includes videos, case studies, quizzes, and interactive supplementary materials.